Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stop Making Smelly Food

Don’t make weird food in an office. Some asshole just made popcorn and now the whole floor smells like shit. What compels someone to just randomly get up from their desk and think it would be a great idea to have popcorn? Never have I had the urge to have some popcorn while working. Popcorn is a very overrated food by the way. It’s a snack that only tastes good in the first 5 minuets of eating it. Beware of any food that is only edible for a short time like Top Ramen. Also beware of any product that has an old man as its mascot. Both KFC and Orville Redenbacher must have the worst marketing departments if they think having an old wrinkly man on their product will sell. This office prick should be like everyone else and have a goddamn salad or sandwich for lunch.


Princess Thoughts said...

Yeah man that shiz is whack. I don't like popcorn either.

Hercules Rockefeller said...

That's nothing, you want food with a huge olfactory footprint let's talk Filipino cuisine...At the Fry's I used to work at this lady would microwave a huge bowl of rice with a damn fish (yes, the WHOLE FISH, head and all) sitting on top of it. The entire store smelled like Madonna's panties for hours afterwards.