Monday, January 5, 2009

Love Just a Few Clicks Away?

I am a huge proponent of the Internet. It has made lives much easier (stalking used to be so much tougher before Facebook). In what was once a day’s work, people can now read the news, buy clothes, and watch their favorite porno all in a matter of minuets. However, there is one area the internet has no place for and that’s dating! This e-harmony / business has got to stop. What ever happened to the old fashion route of being drunk off your ass at a bar and meeting the woman of your dreams during last call? (Hint: If the girl is still cute when the lights come up, she’s a keeper!) Now it’s all about finding the “compatible person” through 1,000 different variables. The problem is that just like a resume, people lie when describing themselves. No self-respecting man would ever tell the truth and say he is a bald 48 years old plumber that lives with his mom and has a third nipple. Internet daters are hiding behind a computer to find love, instead of putting themselves out there in the “real world.” Additionally, I’ve been told that sites like e-harmony rejects people if they can’t find anyone compatible. If that happened to me, I would call life quits right there. Game Over! Even the possibility of that being a reality is enough for me to never become an internet dater. I say get rid of internet dating sites and let the internet be used for more important things like viewing the “jizz in my pants” video on YouTube.

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