Sunday, January 27, 2008

Nutty Hair

Booo to the following…

Crazy Haired Ladies

I may not be very talented in a lot of things. I suck at cooking (I recently screwed up Top Roman) I cannot cut for shit. I am dead serious about that, My third grade teacher once called a parent teacher conference to discuss my horrific “scissor cutting skills” However I have two talents I was put on this earth for. First, Dave Mirra BMX video game… For some crappy reason I am absolutely awesome at a video game no one has heard of or gives a shit about. It’s a lot like being a kickass synchronized swimmer or a banging rhythmic dancer…no one cares! Second and much more productive is that I can detect a nutso from a mile-away. I have come to the conclusion that chicks with crazy, oddly shaped hair are nuts. This is not a generalization but scientific fact. These women might have curly hair and let it grow into a disproportionate fro, or have it cut way too short to have the shape of a helmet on top of their crazy head. Either way, they are the type you hear frequently screaming or just saying inappropriate things that should land them in an insane asylum. Society has no room for crazy haired women. I once had one of these living above my apartment. Every time I saw her, she felt compelled to talk to me about really weird shit like asking me if I’ve seen Pee Wee’s Playhouse recently? Or how much fruit she should put in her trail mix. Of course she had some wild nutso hair that was in resemblance of a curly fro but lopsided and kind of all over the place. It looked like a scared cat was perched on her head. Exhibition B showed herself at an In and Out . This one had very short hair for a women. (Kind of like Kurt Warner’s wife’s hair… I bet you she’s nuts) This one was an angry nutso who screamed at In N Out for making her burger too cooked. In N Out was happy to make her a new one but she still wanted to lectured that making it too cooked doesn’t make it taste as good. Who the shit honestly complains about a burger at in n out? These women need to get the crap out of society. America has no use for these weirdoes. They must get normal haircuts and actually take care of their hair or the US should deport them to New Zealand or some shit.

1 comment:

The Austrian Wonder said...

spell check... Top RAMEN, etc.

also, agreed on the whole nutso hair thing... fucking nutsos.

and also, what about your other skill? like totally misinterpreting messages... aka missing out on a fucking RIOT? did you hear about that? there are vids on youtube. just search for USC RIOT. it's crazy. we got out of there just in time, before they closed off the street totally.