Monday, September 22, 2008

These boots are for THROWING AWAY!

It’s official I dislike every person I’ve met wearing cowboy boots. Keep in mind I’ve only been to Texas once and it was for an hour in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport. (What a great airport that was). Texas is the only state where cowboy boots should be accepted. (By the way I'm not a huge fan of Texas but that’s for another blog). I’m talking about these fools walking around L.A. in cowboy boots. I don’t understand the concept of these shoes. They are stiff, immobile, uncomfortable, and probably smell in other words they are just like John McCain. The most common cowboy boot dude is one who lived in Texas and makes sure you know about it. This guy could’ve lived there for just a month but still brag about how he’s from Texas. The boots might as well be a Sport Chalet license plate frame saying, “I’d rather be living in Texas.” The worst part is you see this guy wearing his boots with tight jeans everyday. Once you start going cowboy boot there is no turning back. If you go back to regular shoes you’re just a Texas imposter and if you stay cowboy boot, we all hate you. It’s a winless situation! It’s not just men wearing these stupid things either. Women have also been getting in on this boot action. These ladies are usually indie chicks wearing some weird frayed short dress with messed up hair (messed up hair is a sign that the chick is nuts). Then you look down at their feet and BOOM...disgusting cowboy boots. Every chick I’ve seen wearing this outfit ends up looking lost and pretty much out of it. Obviously, this breed of cowboy boot chick wants to be different and thinks the best way is to wear some ugly boots that go up the shins. This cowboy boot business has got to stop. It looks out of place and is an insult to every native Angelino.

1 comment:

Zarui said...

Haha! I love this! So much better than writing your paper for class ;)...